Launch of Creative Civic Change in Birchfield

Launch of Creative Civic Change in Birchfield

Launch of Creative Civic Change in Birchfield The Birchfield launch was at Church Vale and was attended by residents from both Big Local areas. Musicians included Phil Bowers and Seikou Susso. Artists providing family activities included Faith Pearson, Adlin Shorter,...
Mac Birmingham Networking Event

Mac Birmingham Networking Event

Mac Birmingham Networking Event Residents from Birchfield and Welsh House Farm Big Locals travelled to the MAC for a showing of Charlie Chaplin’s classic film “Modern Times”. The themes of the film still resonate today – unemployment, austerity, the impact of...
Jazz Festival

Jazz Festival

Jazz Festival There were games and activities for children in the Community Hall with all-round musician Natalia Mason and Kora player and storyteller Seikou Susso. Residents from Welsh House Farm also...