Vanley’s Welsh House Farm and Birchfield
A selection of images taken by Valley in and around Birmingham.
Battersea Arts Centre Visit
Battersea Arts Centre Visit
Welsh House Farm Carnival
This was also the launch of Creative Civic Change in Welsh House Farm.
A carnival procession around Welsh House Farm estate with music, food, stalls, children’s activities in front of the Keystone Centre.
Dominoes Match
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Walk About With Vanley Burke
This was also the launch of Creative Civic Change in Welsh House Farm. A carnival procession around Welsh House Farm estate with music, food, stalls, children’s activities in front of the Keystone...
CCC Meeting
Art Packs
Art PacksThe Creative Civic Change art packs were delivered to families in both Birchfield and Welsh House Farm. The first art pack was produced in April 2020 and included creative ideas for paper...
Motor Museum Trip Video
Pop up Play Session
Pop Up Play Sessions
Pop-up Music Event
Musicians Lekan Babalola, Kate Luxmoore and Reuben Reynolds performed in open spaces in both Welsh House Farm and Birchfield over the summer 2020. The Birchfield
WHF Trip to the REP
Welsh House Farm trip to the REP
Cinema Trip
As part of the project, We had a visit to the local Cinema to see the latest blockbuster.
Launch of Creative Civic Change in Birchfield
The Birchfield launch was at Church Vale and was attended by residents from both Big Local areas. Musicians included Phil Bowers and Seikou Susso. Artists providing family activities included Faith...
Mac Birmingham Networking Event
Residents from Birchfield and Welsh House Farm Big Locals travelled to the MAC for a showing of Charlie Chaplin’s classic film “Modern Times”. The themes of the film still resonate today –...
Jazz Festival
There were games and activities for children in the Community Hall with all-round musician Natalia Mason and Kora player and storyteller Seikou Susso. Residents from Welsh House Farm also attended.